Craft Services

We Do Conferences Not Weddings

Producing business conferences is a craft. We have honed this craft over many years and hundreds of conferences.

Our approach is very simple.

We produce your conference for you.

Or we teach you how to do it yourself.

Contact us to figure out which approach makes sense for you.

We’re not just about terrestrial events. See what else we can do.

Events Consulting

Do you want to create a conference for your organization but are not sure where to start? We will walk you through all the steps to creating your own high-impact, thought-leading event.

No one needs to know you followed our playbook.

Here are some sample conversation starters.

  • How do I get started planning an event for my organization?

  • What should my organization’s event strategy be?

  • How do I turn my introverted CMO into an event emcee extraordinaire?

  • What are the most impactful event marketing tactics?

  • How should we be using social media to grow our event?

Book a free 30-minute consultation to get started.

We will always recommend what we believe makes the most sense for your organization not what generates the most fees.

Conference Moderation

You’ve organized a great event. But a key piece is missing. No one in your group is prepared to manage the on-stage component of this event.

Those who attend events remember two things about them. Was the networking solid? And was the on-stage production first-rate?

First-rate doesn’t mean exotic locales or celebrity appearances. Not that these are bad.

First-rate conferences share a few common traits.

  • An on-point agenda

  • Well-prepared speakers and panelists

  • A program that starts and ends on time

  • On-stage conversations that educate and entertain.

None of this happens without a strong moderator.

Book a meeting with us and tell us about your event. And we’ll tell you how to make it great with professional moderation.

Turnkey Event Production

Your organization wants to roll out an event. But you do not have the resources internally to do it.

You don’t know how to do it. And even if you did, you don’t have the people to do the work.

Work with us on a turnkey basis. We will handle everything — select the venue, craft the program, book and prep the speakers, and more. If it needs doing, we will do it.

Conferencing is all about details. And we will handle all of them.

Public Speaking Coaching

Public speaking is one of the most commonly cited fears. It even has a name. Glossophobia.

But often when we face our fears, the thing that scared us turns out not to be so scary.

This is how we view public speaking. Sure, it’s scary at first. Not unlike taking your first flight or jumping off of a diving board.

The biggest challenge with public speaking isn’t overcoming fear. It is becoming an effective communicator.

Many will tell you that subject matter expertise is the key to effective public speaking. We agree this is a key. It is not the key.

There are so many other factors.

If public speaking is or will be an important element of your career trajectory, book some time with us to develop or refine your skills.

We take an expansive view of public speaking. It doesn’t just mean giving a keynote to hundreds. Small-room presentations, media interviews, and podcast appearances are also forms of public speaking. We can coach you up on all of it.

Public speaking is a lot of fun. Doing it well can be a career game-changer.

Virtual Events

Not all events are in hotel ballrooms. Some are held online.

Online events emerged during the pandemic. They have endured in the post-Covid era in part because of their ability to reach the widest possible audience. If done well.

Online meetings can be a very effective way to deliver an impactful message.

But they require careful planning and execution. The content and messaging has to be well-crafted. The speakers have to be well-prepared.

We have ample experience producing virtual events, before, during, and after the pandemic. And we can share this experience as you plan your next virtual event.


Every organization can have a podcast. But not every organization should have one.

Podcasting is a wonderful medium. But it requires committing to doing something so great that listeners anticipate it arriving in their feed every week, or however often it appears.

Podcasting is a great way to help your audience learn about a topic, stay abreast of industry news and trends, develop career and life skills, and much more. If you do it right.

We have a philosophy of podcasting that is very similar to our view of public speaking. The more you teach and the less you sell, the more you gain.

A good podcast has an engaging host, on-point guests, solid production values, and consistent output.

Many organizations think podcasting will be a breeze and end up struggling with every one of these requirements.

Talk to us before you launch a pod. We can help.

Book a free consultation