Your Videographer is a Crowd Multiplier

A common worry for conference organizers is that the A-list speakers they recruited for an event will be disappointed by the size of the crowd they are addressing.

Perhaps attendance was below expectations. Or maybe attendance is sufficient to fill the hall, but people are in meetings, or they leave early to catch planes, or they have some other excuse not to be in the room.

No matter the cause, it's a tough spot for an event organizer.

One tactic that can help is to use your videographer (I hope you hired one) as a 'crowd multiplier'.

Tell the speaker that the session is being captured on video and that they will get a copy of the video. Add that you will share top clips from the video wherever you can (socials, blog, newsletter, etc.).

Don't wait for the speaker to complain before offering this. Read the room and be proactive.

This may not completely satisfy a speaker if they are truly disappointed by the crowd. But at the very least it is a spoonful of sugar.


How to Treat Empty Room Syndrome


The Rookie’s Guide to Prepping a Conference Panel